Brenda in Japan

Hailing from Minneapolis, Minnesota, Brenda McKinney is an American living and working in the Kansai region of Japan. This is an account of her life and adventures among the fine people of Nihon.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Bragging Rights for my Hometown

Check it out! Minneapolis nabbed the top spot on Yahoo’s List of Most Affordable Places to Live Well (today’s headline story on the Yahoo homepage, taken from

The article sites a lot of reasons such as relatively affordable homes, residents that enjoy a high quality of life and fabulous access to choice arts, leisure, and entertainment offerings. ("This includes top-notch cultural institutions, whether they are theaters, music halls, or museums. The Guthrie Theater, for example, is considered one of the premier facilities in the country.") They also mention that the Twin Cities receive funding from local corporate foundations "including those of Target, 3M, Best Buy, General Mills, Cargill, and United Health, and from charitable institutions like the Minneapolis Foundation, which manages just under $700 million in assets."

Hmm... We’ve been saying it for years ;-)

Actually, I know it seems like bragging, but I really do have to talk a lot about Minneapolis and my roots because nobody outside of the states seems to know where it is (even though it’s a hub for Northwest Airlines so they might have gone through it). Most people think I am from north of chicago. So why haven’t you heard more about Minneapolis (providing I haven’t already told you)?, you ask.... here's one reason:

"Maybe it's our 'Lake Wobegon' nature, where we're not looking to crow about ourselves," says Robert Hybben, a donor services associate at the Minneapolis Foundation. "There's a very active non-profit community here, a vigorous civil society and a lot of people who are very active. It's just been our tradition here."

Spot on. I’d say many Minnesotans are really proud of where they are from, but consider it bad manners to boast. Conversely, I will say that the one down-side of this atmosphere (even across the whole state in general) is that people tend to love it so much that they don’t leave...ever... or we always come back, which can make it hard for new people moving to the city and looking to make friends (finding a "clan" of Minnesotans who already have very sturdy social circles).

Anyways, here’s the article:

I’m not exactly sure when I’ll be back in town, but you should definitely come for a visit if and when I am! Enjoy.


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