Brenda in Japan

Hailing from Minneapolis, Minnesota, Brenda McKinney is an American living and working in the Kansai region of Japan. This is an account of her life and adventures among the fine people of Nihon.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

The JLP... what?

Before I left Japan for my summer holiday in America, I registered for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). The JLPT is offered once a year, but is really the definitive tool to gauge (or prove) your abilities in Japanese. The test is somewhat expensive and covers a span of 4 levels (4 being the lowest, 1 the highest). Therefore, when registration forms were due at the end of August last year (less than a month after moving here), I made the decision to forego taking the exam the first time in order to give myself ample time to study and get more colloquial Japanese under my belt (so I could just take a higher level the next year). Makes sense, ne?

Well, time flies and somehow “next year” is already here. The good news is that we took a practice test in Japanese class last night and I was very comfortable with the material on the lowest test (I’m sure there’s still more to learn, but I have a foundation there and could definitely pass without much studying). The bad news is that I am signed up for a higher level. I wanted to challenge myself a bit and thought it would provide motivation to study. Somehow I neglected to realize, though, that the study period (basically needed to pass this beast) would conflict with my application period (basically needed to, well, get into school). I think it might be better to study for the higher test when I can (it’s the kanji, or Chinese characters, that I am most concerned about) but see if I can still switch to level 4… I’ll let you know what happens, though.

On the subject of tests of strength within a language, I also have some very good news! While I have heard rumors that my school once participated in speech contests (years ago & through a local Rotary Club sponsorship), there has not been further involvement in those sorts of activities.... until now! I am happy to tell yo that one of my second years, "Mass", entered a speech contest and was accepted! We spent a lot of time working on his speech (about Animal Rights and P.E.T.A.) and pronunciation the first week I got back to Japan, but he was so nervous about entering. I am so proud of him. Of course this means that we have more preparation ahead of us (the best school in the area is hosting the event although I don’t know what his competition will be), but more than anything, I am excited that my school is once again getting involved in speech contests.
The contest will be held the same day as our Charity Halloween party (first event!), Nozaki Sensei and I just got tickets to go to a Noh play in Osaka that week, I am helping with a kids Halloween party the same weekend and it’s the weekend before my first applications are due... so I am sure it will be a busy period for me. At the same time, I feel like I’m also investing in really worthwhile, meaningful enterprises and I am looking forward to it.


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