On Hiatus
Hello to all! The big news is that I'm finally back in Japan.
The trip home was amazing and I had a wonderful time in Hawaii, but I'll have to update you more on those things later. I have generally always been a very lucky person, but I have encountered a few patches of bad luck in the last few weeks, causing me to have to extend my vacation at home by a week for some minor (but unexpected) surgery and now take a break from internet-related activities (email, blogging and graduate school apps) due to the death of my dear little Macbook computer (all I know is that the Mac Store had it for 20 minutes to replace the casing and now we have to wipe the harddrive...thank goodness my pics and music are backed up!). Thus, it is going to be a little while before I get back into the groove of keeping this thing updated.
On the other hand, I am generally doing pretty well. While I miss my friends and family at home a lot more after getting to spend time with them, coming back to Japan has been strangely normal. I've only had a few days here now, but coming back with a general knowledge of the area, a solid community at home and work, and especially somewhat of a foundation in the language has prepared me more than I realized and given me a different perspective of life here. to be realistic, I would say my eyes are a little less starry than they were over the last year and before I left, but just because the first Honeymoon stage of living here is officially over doesn't mean it's not good to be back. I've returned to discover that this will truly always be a place I was once "from" for a little while. And that matters.
We have Sports Day this week, so not many classes, but no promises on posting until my Mac is back. In the meanwhile, hope the rest of the summer went well and more soon! Matta ne! - Bren
The trip home was amazing and I had a wonderful time in Hawaii, but I'll have to update you more on those things later. I have generally always been a very lucky person, but I have encountered a few patches of bad luck in the last few weeks, causing me to have to extend my vacation at home by a week for some minor (but unexpected) surgery and now take a break from internet-related activities (email, blogging and graduate school apps) due to the death of my dear little Macbook computer (all I know is that the Mac Store had it for 20 minutes to replace the casing and now we have to wipe the harddrive...thank goodness my pics and music are backed up!). Thus, it is going to be a little while before I get back into the groove of keeping this thing updated.
On the other hand, I am generally doing pretty well. While I miss my friends and family at home a lot more after getting to spend time with them, coming back to Japan has been strangely normal. I've only had a few days here now, but coming back with a general knowledge of the area, a solid community at home and work, and especially somewhat of a foundation in the language has prepared me more than I realized and given me a different perspective of life here. to be realistic, I would say my eyes are a little less starry than they were over the last year and before I left, but just because the first Honeymoon stage of living here is officially over doesn't mean it's not good to be back. I've returned to discover that this will truly always be a place I was once "from" for a little while. And that matters.
We have Sports Day this week, so not many classes, but no promises on posting until my Mac is back. In the meanwhile, hope the rest of the summer went well and more soon! Matta ne! - Bren
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