Brenda in Japan

Hailing from Minneapolis, Minnesota, Brenda McKinney is an American living and working in the Kansai region of Japan. This is an account of her life and adventures among the fine people of Nihon.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


For the last few weeks, Tam and Clayton - my American couple friends that live a town over - and I have been getting together on Thursday nights for dinner and a few episodes of LOST. I didn’t watch much TV outside of the news and Grey’s Anatomy before coming to Japan, so I had actually never seen the show. Tam and Clayton have a bigger place than me and live by our other friends, so I usually go to their apartment, but I invited them over so they could see my apartment (and the new bed!!!) and so I could make din for a change. I’ve only seen the first 8 episodes so far, and I am not as obsessed as some get, but it is pretty good.
Anyways, I just made pasta with pesto for us and it was fun to have friends over, but I thought it was funny that Clayton was so upset that my place is not a dump. He was expecting a hole and was pretty disappointed when the place was, well, nice. I guess may have complained a bit too much about being moved from the larger apartment and having to basically build my place from scratch. I showed them the bath situation before they wrote me off as a complete whiner, but I do have to say that this was a good sign; I think my place has finally come full-circle and is looking (and feeling) pretty cute. I dare say I am starting to get comfy. Eand my house is feeling more like a place to call home.


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