Brenda in Japan

Hailing from Minneapolis, Minnesota, Brenda McKinney is an American living and working in the Kansai region of Japan. This is an account of her life and adventures among the fine people of Nihon.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Krystal's Crazy Visit to My Japan - Part 2

Le Finale!

As you know, my friend from college, Krystal, was here in Japan last week... and we hit the ground running!

To spare some of you, I won't go into ALL the details of our Friday - Wednesday adventures, but if you made it through the entire first post, you get the idea of how busy, fantastic, crazy, invigorating, adventurous and touristy it all was (um, and congrats.... you're probably about as tired as I was from doing all the stuff from reading that book)! Well, you'd think things would slow down after such an intense schedule those first few days, but they really only got more busy.

Krystal is one of the biggest Japan-visitor-jetsetters I know.  She spent a day in Tokyo, a day in Hiroshima, a day at school, a day in Mukonoso for yuzakura (night viewing) and we even did a full day in Kyoto AND Mie Prefectures... when we were professionally dressed in kimono and visited the offical ninja festival in "the home of ninja".  

Dave was awesome for letting Krystal and I crash at his house for the weekend (another big slumber party in one bed since it's too cold to use the other rooms just yet), and we both had a lot going on in other areas that maybe could have been stressing us out a bit, but overall... soooo lucky to have such great friends, and especially to have them come visit.  Will miss having Krystal here and have so much more to tell, but the pictures on Facebook will have to suffice for now.  Please check em out.  I'm off to recoup :-P ;-)


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