Ceremony Central
As I mentioned earlier, we had quite a few ceremonies last week (as is to be expected in Japan!). Here's a glimpse into a few of them...
The departing teachers each give a speech to the students. There is usually a bit of crying, adn one teacher even did magic tricks!

There was an opening ceremony, a toast, and then each departing teacher gave a speech. This is the math/IT teacher...
After all the speeches were finished, we had some time to eat before the next sound of speeches. Each departing staff member would go back up on stage (one by one) with a coworker that knew them well, who would then give them a present on behalf of the rest of the staff while telling a story about them or giving them an additional thank you speech. This particular teacher (Mr. Morita) was retiring, so he got a golf club :)

Next, this is the induction ceremony for the first year students.
First is the Farewell Ceremony for the teachers who will leave our school this year
About eight teachers will move schools this year (one is retiring) so this is the ceremony for them to say goodbye to the students, at the beginning of the new year. This is with only the upper class students that have actually had these teachers in class (second years on the right, third years on the left) and they form an isle down the middle of the gym for the teachers to walk down to get to the stage.
And finally, the Principal leads the teachers out of the gym in a line. Everyone claps as they walk out, some students ran up and gave their coach flowers (in addition to the bouquets they received earlier) and the rest of the staff usually crowds around the door to say goodbye to their former coworkers and give them an extra big applause...
Then, later that evening, we had a hello/goodbye party for just the teachers.
Lots of drinks and a 5-course dinner at a fancy hotel in Himeji...
There was an opening ceremony, a toast, and then each departing teacher gave a speech. This is the math/IT teacher...
Later in the evening. This is about as empty as a glass of beer gets at these parties. You're not allowed to pour your own glass, so people are constantly topping it off (especially the big drinkers, because then you fill their cup in return)...
And finally, the evening ends with a representative from the new/incoming staff members (replacements) giving a speech. Most people go to after-parties with smaller groups, but my friend from home was here, so I skipped out and went back to see her...
Next, this is the induction ceremony for the first year students.
First, all the upper classmen sit in the gym and are given instructions while the freshman wait in the hall...
Then the freshman enter the gym, class by class, lining up (in order) in the front of the gym.

Finally, the ceremony ends with some reminders about rules and discipline, announcements, and finally a little game of Telephone/"Chinese Whispers"...
The whole school (900 people) playing the telephone game (awesome!)...
After each team had finished, the homeroom teacher would read the message (and the real message was written on the board). The message was a story about two of the teachers and some of the things the kids came up with was HILARIOUS (even with my level of Japanese)...

Men and Women's Handball presented together, giving demonstrations of cool passes and shooting (throwing) at the goal...
These are the board and posters lined at the back of the gym. Art Club had some pretty cool paintings (and I loved their huge sign). Our English Club board, with pictures of parties and stuff we've done, is near the door...

Then the Student Council president gives a speech, welcoming them to our school and offering encouragement. Notice the upper classmen and new students are facing each other...
A representative from the freshman class then greets the upperclassmen and accepts their welcome, giving a speech about how they are excited and will work hard...
The students had to give the message through a cup to make it more difficult and there were two teams per class...
Lastly, here are a few pics from the Sports and Club Expo we held for the freshman late last week, presenting all the acitivites offered at school.
This is obviously a promo for track and field (hence the tank and running shorts)...
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