Brenda in Japan

Hailing from Minneapolis, Minnesota, Brenda McKinney is an American living and working in the Kansai region of Japan. This is an account of her life and adventures among the fine people of Nihon.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Lost/Stolen Wallet

Alright, so things are sort of falling into place with this wallet thing and I'm in a much better mood.

The process is in motion, but I really hope this never happens to anyone else I know (or to me again).  Here's what's going on...  

So I went to the police station after work yesterday and filled out a 盗難届証明 (tonantodoke shoumei - form saying that the wallet was lost or stolen). They're going to call me if they find it, or my coworker if they hear anything while I'm gone.

I also called my bank and cancelled all my credit cards, stopped my cash card here and my parents are helping me with the process of getting a new driver's license. The process isn't that bad and the replacement fee is only $13.50, but there is one glitch in that I need to sign a form and get it notarized. The easiest way to accomplish getting something notarized here is to visit the consulate in Osaka, but just doing that will cost me about $20 in train fares, $30 in a service fee and possibly some of my precious vacation time from work.  I won't have the license in time for the trip, so I'm going to wait to deal with this one, but I'm looking into other options.

As for the bronchitis (I realized the wallet was gone when I went to get my medical card to go to the doctor - on week 6 of being sick!), it seems I can also still go to the docter without my medical card!  I talked to some people at city hall and the card should be replaced in a week, but for now, I just have to pay the full hospital visit fee and will later be reimbursed by the national insurance plan. 
The cough is persisting, so I might go early next week, but part of me also thinks it might be worth it to just get out of here and rest in the sun for a bit and visit a doc in AU/NZ if need be.

Ahh, and last but not least, there's the Alien Registration card.  Well, that's the biggie. 

I was originally most worried about this going missing because we have been told *mulitple* times we need it to leave or enter the country and we're supposed to carry it at all times. I've been talking to the local government offices, however, and as long as I have my passport and all the right stamps and visas, it seems I should be fine getting out of here next week (whew). A girl I know here forgot her's on the way to Vietnam two years ago and was still let out of the country.  She had to fill out some extra forms and it took some time, but at least I still know the number from my card, so it should be OK.

I also found out another friend of mine on the other side of Kobe lost her wallet last summer and she said it takes about a month to get this card replaced. I might head into Akashi today to fill out the forms, though (just need a passport & some photos)... should probably get the process started no matter how long it takes.

I'm not as concerned about the physical wallet itself (even though it wasn't cheap and I really liked it), but I am still crossing my fingers the police or train station finds it.  I realized that there is also a business card for an American lawyer I met in the front of the wallet, so there's also a chance someone would call the number on the card if they found the wallet (since none of my contact information is inside). I can't remember the guy's name, but I know where he works and where his kids go to school (we stayed at the Okayama Villa with this family two weeks ago).  I emailed the school, explained the situation, gave them the family's description and asked them to pass on my contact details to the lawyer if they know who the family is.  Hopefully that works, because even if they don't know anything, I'd like them to be able to contact me if anyone does call.

Yeah, so that's pretty much it right now.  I have some other things going on, but this wallet issue has been absorbing a lot of my time.  Seriously, what a mess, though. Can I just say that whomever replaces me at my job is probably going to seem so dull compared to all the constant 'excitement' that seems to surround me. :-p  I'm only kidding, but here's hoping for a smooth upcoming trip, at least!


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