Brenda in Japan

Hailing from Minneapolis, Minnesota, Brenda McKinney is an American living and working in the Kansai region of Japan. This is an account of her life and adventures among the fine people of Nihon.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Train Sick

Oh man. I'm not sure what bug is going around but the weirdest thing happened this morning. I got really sick on the train and had to push my way to the door and cover my mouth because I thought I was going to puke about halfway to Takasago. I just started sweating and got really dizzy, then I got that "crap, I'm about to throw up" feeling in my mouth and my stomach has hurt since I got up. It was packed so I'm not sure if I got closterphobic (for the first time), train sick (for the first time)... or what is hitting me. I was standing next to my train buddy, Nathan, however and I had to ask him to stop talking to me for a second and lean against the wall until I could get out. I am sure the four people crammed up against me would not have appreciated it if I had gotten sick on them.

Today is open high school, so I need to stay to teach a class. But if it wasn't, I would be out the door in a second. Part of me thinks I just need sleep, but I wasn't up that late last night and pretty much rested all day yesterday (for the national holiday). Just working on my Japanese "Ganbare" (perservering/ hanging in there) spirit and hoping this goes away soon.


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