Train Sick
Oh man. I'm not sure what bug is going around but the weirdest thing happened this morning. I got really sick on the train and had to push my way to the door and cover my mouth because I thought I was going to puke about halfway to Takasago. I just started sweating and got really dizzy, then I got that "crap, I'm about to throw up" feeling in my mouth and my stomach has hurt since I got up. It was packed so I'm not sure if I got closterphobic (for the first time), train sick (for the first time)... or what is hitting me. I was standing next to my train buddy, Nathan, however and I had to ask him to stop talking to me for a second and lean against the wall until I could get out. I am sure the four people crammed up against me would not have appreciated it if I had gotten sick on them.
Today is open high school, so I need to stay to teach a class. But if it wasn't, I would be out the door in a second. Part of me thinks I just need sleep, but I wasn't up that late last night and pretty much rested all day yesterday (for the national holiday). Just working on my Japanese "Ganbare" (perservering/ hanging in there) spirit and hoping this goes away soon.
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