Class Updates Needed - '04 Oles
Hey guys! I got an email from a St. Olaf alumnus who is trying to put together an alumni newsletter for the Class of 2004. I know some of you (meaning my classmates) read this thing, so thought I would just post the notice here and ask you to pass your info on. Thanks :)
Hello 2004 Oles!
Falling leaves, football, and memories of Halloween at St. Olaf are almost here, which means it is also time to collect information for the St. Olaf Class of 2004 newsletter. St. Olaf always provides me with some news excerpts of what alums have reported to the college--but it's way more> fun if I connect with people and hear from more of you.
So, here's your chance--let your classmates know what you're up to really quickly (that's right, make St. Olaf do the work--you just send me an email). So, help me out so we get a great update out this year---PLEASE SEND UPDATE BEFORE SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2ND.
Let me know if you had a wedding last year OR if any of your Olaf friends did. Please include the names of both parties (and if they are both alums or just one) and the date of the wedding. Let me know if you had a baby or had an Olaf friend who> did. Include name of baby, date of birth, and parent(s) name(s). Not quite that much of a banner year? Hey, tell me you bought a hampster...or got a new job...went to the bahamas...became obsessed with the election...clipped your toe nails...whatever you want to share with your classmates. Please keep updates to 1-2 lines and I will be able to include it! And feel free to fwd. this email along to your other Class of '04 friends. I look forward to hearing from you!
Um Ya Ya, Lauren Wendt '04
> From:> >
Hello 2004 Oles!
Falling leaves, football, and memories of Halloween at St. Olaf are almost here, which means it is also time to collect information for the St. Olaf Class of 2004 newsletter. St. Olaf always provides me with some news excerpts of what alums have reported to the college--but it's way more> fun if I connect with people and hear from more of you.
So, here's your chance--let your classmates know what you're up to really quickly (that's right, make St. Olaf do the work--you just send me an email). So, help me out so we get a great update out this year---PLEASE SEND UPDATE BEFORE SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2ND.
Let me know if you had a wedding last year OR if any of your Olaf friends did. Please include the names of both parties (and if they are both alums or just one) and the date of the wedding. Let me know if you had a baby or had an Olaf friend who> did. Include name of baby, date of birth, and parent(s) name(s). Not quite that much of a banner year? Hey, tell me you bought a hampster...or got a new job...went to the bahamas...became obsessed with the election...clipped your toe nails...whatever you want to share with your classmates. Please keep updates to 1-2 lines and I will be able to include it! And feel free to fwd. this email along to your other Class of '04 friends. I look forward to hearing from you!
Um Ya Ya, Lauren Wendt '04
> From:> >
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