Back at Schools... but with Meds
Whew. I've had a really full morning of OC classes, but my colleague is covering for my third year class right now so I can just hang out in the staff room. Well, I have things to do, so it's not so much "hanging out"... but the break is good.
I ended up going home sick yesterday and stopping at the ENT on the way back afterall. I didn't have to wait very long to see the doctor, and I think I actually understood most of what he was asking and saying to me. I explained my symptoms in Japanese, and when I told him my ears hurt and it was affecting my hearing, he made me take a hearing test, and I understood what the nurse said then, too. It sucked to be there, but the language barrier was a little easier than I remember. Anyways, my hearing was fine, so I got four different kinds of antibiotics for my cold and was told to come back in a week if the meds didn't work (got more than four days supply this time!).
When I got home, I pretty much made lunch right away (so I could take my meds) and then went straight to bed, getting in almost four hours of sleep before Japanese class. I was feeling well enough to go, so I didn't cancel that, but also made sure I got to bed at a reasonable time afterwards.
I just got a message from a friend of mine working at an import company in Osaka. He just found out that he gets December 30th to January 4th off (winter holidays - News Years is the biggest holiday of the year here, and should be spent with family), BUT also that the entire company is expected to spend the 29th cleaning the office. I thought it was extreme that my students have to clean the whole school (even the outsides of the windows... in and the winter), but I guess it really is training them for the real world. Glad I don't have to do it (just supervise when the kids do it and pitch-in here and there)... and I'm also glad I think my vacation time works out a bit better than my friend's this year. I'll only take 6 days of vacation time for 19 days off. Not bad!
OK, I'm rambling so I'll stop this post here. Hoping these meds will kick in soon :-p
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