Brenda in Japan

Hailing from Minneapolis, Minnesota, Brenda McKinney is an American living and working in the Kansai region of Japan. This is an account of her life and adventures among the fine people of Nihon.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Capricorns (random post)

OK, this is really random, but I was playing around on the web this morning and I followed a random link to information on my zodiac sign. I haven't seen a profile like this for years - and I know there is a specific someone who will get a kick out of parts of my assigned star profile - so I thought I would share with all.

According to Wikipedia (I might have done further research...), the following is an atrological explanation of the traits widely-associated wtih Capricorns, my sign. Note that no scientific research has been able to prove any correlations and remember that you can find false similarities anywhere if you are really looking to believe something. I don't usually believe in this stuff... but for those of you that know me, maybe there are some truths. Hmmm, what do you think? Resemble me? ;-)

Capricorns are...


  • Practical
  • Disciplined / methodical / organized
  • Prudent / cautious / careful
  • Ambitious / focused
  • Trustworthy / dependable / reliable
  • Serious
  • Self-reliant / independent
  • Steadfast / persevering / stable
  • Persistent / dedicated
  • Hard-working
  • Rational / reasonable
  • Responsible
  • Shrewd / wise
  • Aloof / businesslike
  • Tenacious
  • Self-critical
  • Traditional / conventional
  • Career-oriented
  • Authoritative
  • Competent
  • Strong


Suitable occupations/Ideal Careers: any capacity of authority, doctor, lawyer, accountant, politician, teacher, principal, engineer, farmer, anything math related
Likes: Romance, loyalty, feeling secure, financial/material stability, ambitious mates, feeling committed, making long term relationship plans, dependability, reliability, perseverance.
Dislikes: Flightiness, being bossed around, crudeness/coarseness, dominance, game playing, ego displays, extravagance, being challenged by a lover, indecisiveness.

Capricorn is widely thought to be compatible with same element signs, Taurus and Virgo.

Birthstones: Ruby, Turqoise (my personality color - December stone), Garnet (my birthstone & Czech heritage)
Colors: Dark Brown, Black, Gray
Gemstones: Onyx, Quartz, Beryl, Obsidian, Amethyst
Metal: Lead, Silver (not a big fan of gold, so this one was easy...)
Plant: Ivy, Canation
Countries: South Asia, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Mexico, Cuba (ooo, travel to??... OK!)


  • At 10:21 PM, Blogger Brandon Darnell said…

    I happened across your blog, and found it interesting. I will be moving to Europe next year (somehow), and reading the writings of Americans living abroad is always interesting to me.

    The gas prices you wrote about a few posts down being what they are in Japan doesn't surprise me. The European petrol is expensive, and I'm just glad they have viable public transit.

    Keep up the writing. It's very interesting.


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