The Weekend Review: Secret Santa & Korean Cooking
Overall, another great weekend, but I honestly cannot believe how fast time is flying! In less than a week, Kelly and I will have finished our three-day stopover in Taipei and will be in India (not to mention it’s already Christmas... maybe it still just feels funny because there is no snow?).
Sprained My Ankle
I didn’t mention it before because I didn’t think it was a big deal, but I twisted my foot after our work party last week. At least, I thought I just twisted it. All I know is that I was wearing ballet flats (no support),
was walking around a lot after the work party (um, consumed a bit of alcohol in-between there so possibly not in the straightest of lines) and I woke up the next day with a strong pain on the bottom of my right foot. When it still hurt to walk after a week (pain shooting up my ankle when I tried to run), I decided it was time to go to the doctor. Nozaki Sensei and I made the trip to the hospital over lunch on Friday.
The doctor I saw is actually a friend of one of my coworkers so I went to him on her recommendation. I was glad I did because the guy went to medical school in Canada and spoke perfect English. It turned out that doing whatever it is I did caused me to pull a tendon (“ken”), essentially spraining my ankle. At least it wasn't broken.
In the end, I got to keep my x-ray and they gave me some wet pads with "magic spices" on them (Chinese medicine?...
essentially just wet, medicated gauze called shippu), showed my how to wrap it up and told me I had to wear a bandage for a week. They also gave me some painkillers sicne they weren’t familiar with Advil and said I needed something, but I haven’t taken them yet.
It’s going to be at least another week until I can start running again, but I am happy to at least have a date to start. Realistically, it's probably actually going to be more like a month until the training starts again (don’t foresee much running in India & Nepal for the three weeks we are there). That is about enough time to fall completely out of shape....but I’m planning on kicking myself back into hardcore training mode upon my return. Keep your fingers crossed for that one. Sent in the registration form for the Harimacho 10k in January and Lena and I both signed up for the Sasayama Marathon in March (42k) so it'll be a focus soon enough.
Secret Tree Bar
As for the rest of Friday, it was pretty good. I met a coworker and some friends at a local watering hole in Kakogawa (Secret Tree Bar, near the station). I really liked the ambiance of the place, which was covered in artificial branches that hugged and wrapped around the beams, up onto the ceiling and even covering the wall. I've been promising to check it out and meet a friend there for months, so it was exciting that the place actually lived up to it's legend once I finally made it there. I think a lot of expats hang out there and it was also the main nijikai ("second party" spot) for a lot of my school's teachers after the work part last week. I also heard some interesting stories about people at work from my coworker, but nothing to be reported on a public blog. Funny what you miss, though.
Anyways, it was a fun time and nice to keep it low key. We just talked and laughed for a while, enjoyed the awesome kinoki (mushroom) pizza, and called it an early night.
Year End BBQ
On Saturday, I was up and out again early for a hot date with my small group of Japanese ladies. The group went as it normally does; I ate way too many scones (hard to resist when they’re fresh) and enjoyed the hour and a half class. There was only one presentation today, but it’s alright; things get busy at the end of the year. I ran home quickly before another class in Okubo (about 40 minutes away).
I was going to go home after Okubo to get ready for the night, but it didn’t make sense making the commute towards Akashi twice when I was already so close and wouldn't have much time at home, so I wandered around the Vivre/Saty shopping area for a while, trying not to buy anything and allowing myself a pitstop at Subway for a tuna sandwich before meeting Kelly and Emerald in Akashi.
We were meet to go to our friend Brendan's house for his year-end BBQ (most of us are traveling so the celebrations have to happen a bit earlier). Brendan actually has a real house (which is more rare for the expats in our area) located on the premises of his (rather large) school grounds. He doesn't actually live there most of the week, but he uses the house mostly for band practice and parties. I always love his shindigs, though. He takes the sliding doors off of one of the bedrooms (off the main room), which converts it into a stage (has microphones and speakers set up), so people can sit on the couches in the living room and listen to live music. The lighting and atmosphere just works. Coupled with the large BBQ grill outside and parking lot if people want to drive, it's pretty sweet. I would be really envious of the house if it weren't also adjacent to a large cemetary (actually very creepy..) and located at his school. I am sure there would be little the kids didn't know about my private life if that were the case, and I kind of like to keep them hanging (for all they know, I am dating Christian Bail...ha).
Sunday: Korean Cooking Class and another Secret Santa
Sunday was fun. I went to a Korean cooking class organized by the IFA in the morning and a Christmas party at Kel's house at night. We did another Secret Santa (oh man, maybe my fourth this year!). I had a lot of fun finding my gift this time, though the one I got was OK. I'll post pics from the party, but the real highlight of my day was getting to play with a Border Collie puppy at the pet store at Ito Yokado. I am easily amused, yes, but it's my favorite type of dog. I stopped in the store to
see the pets and take pictures of the dogs in their little boxes and monkey for sale (because I think it's weird they're selling monkeys), and the salesgirl noticed me paying a lot of attention to the 2-month-old puppy, so she asked if I wanted to hold it. If only I had $2,000 to spend on buying a dog, a yard, enough time to be home and train it and would be in Japan long enough to take care of it... I definately would have brought that little angel home!
Sprained My Ankle
I didn’t mention it before because I didn’t think it was a big deal, but I twisted my foot after our work party last week. At least, I thought I just twisted it. All I know is that I was wearing ballet flats (no support),
The doctor I saw is actually a friend of one of my coworkers so I went to him on her recommendation. I was glad I did because the guy went to medical school in Canada and spoke perfect English. It turned out that doing whatever it is I did caused me to pull a tendon (“ken”), essentially spraining my ankle. At least it wasn't broken.
In the end, I got to keep my x-ray and they gave me some wet pads with "magic spices" on them (Chinese medicine?...
It’s going to be at least another week until I can start running again, but I am happy to at least have a date to start. Realistically, it's probably actually going to be more like a month until the training starts again (don’t foresee much running in India & Nepal for the three weeks we are there). That is about enough time to fall completely out of shape....but I’m planning on kicking myself back into hardcore training mode upon my return. Keep your fingers crossed for that one. Sent in the registration form for the Harimacho 10k in January and Lena and I both signed up for the Sasayama Marathon in March (42k) so it'll be a focus soon enough.
Secret Tree Bar
As for the rest of Friday, it was pretty good. I met a coworker and some friends at a local watering hole in Kakogawa (Secret Tree Bar, near the station). I really liked the ambiance of the place, which was covered in artificial branches that hugged and wrapped around the beams, up onto the ceiling and even covering the wall. I've been promising to check it out and meet a friend there for months, so it was exciting that the place actually lived up to it's legend once I finally made it there. I think a lot of expats hang out there and it was also the main nijikai ("second party" spot) for a lot of my school's teachers after the work part last week. I also heard some interesting stories about people at work from my coworker, but nothing to be reported on a public blog. Funny what you miss, though.
Anyways, it was a fun time and nice to keep it low key. We just talked and laughed for a while, enjoyed the awesome kinoki (mushroom) pizza, and called it an early night.
Year End BBQ
On Saturday, I was up and out again early for a hot date with my small group of Japanese ladies. The group went as it normally does; I ate way too many scones (hard to resist when they’re fresh) and enjoyed the hour and a half class. There was only one presentation today, but it’s alright; things get busy at the end of the year. I ran home quickly before another class in Okubo (about 40 minutes away).
I was going to go home after Okubo to get ready for the night, but it didn’t make sense making the commute towards Akashi twice when I was already so close and wouldn't have much time at home, so I wandered around the Vivre/Saty shopping area for a while, trying not to buy anything and allowing myself a pitstop at Subway for a tuna sandwich before meeting Kelly and Emerald in Akashi.
We were meet to go to our friend Brendan's house for his year-end BBQ (most of us are traveling so the celebrations have to happen a bit earlier). Brendan actually has a real house (which is more rare for the expats in our area) located on the premises of his (rather large) school grounds. He doesn't actually live there most of the week, but he uses the house mostly for band practice and parties. I always love his shindigs, though. He takes the sliding doors off of one of the bedrooms (off the main room), which converts it into a stage (has microphones and speakers set up), so people can sit on the couches in the living room and listen to live music. The lighting and atmosphere just works. Coupled with the large BBQ grill outside and parking lot if people want to drive, it's pretty sweet. I would be really envious of the house if it weren't also adjacent to a large cemetary (actually very creepy..) and located at his school. I am sure there would be little the kids didn't know about my private life if that were the case, and I kind of like to keep them hanging (for all they know, I am dating Christian Bail...ha).
Sunday: Korean Cooking Class and another Secret Santa
Anyways, that is about it. Also spent a notable amount of time on the phone, but caught up with a lot of people at home this weekend and trying to help calm my mother down as my little bro navigates his way around Europe with no passport (kid lost it on the 1st day in Germany... no surprise the 'rents are worried). Hope you are all safe and happy. This is my last weekend update for a while, as I will be on the road (don't know what my internet situation will be abroad). I hope you enjoy the pre-Christmas season.... Matta ne!
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