Brenda in Japan

Hailing from Minneapolis, Minnesota, Brenda McKinney is an American living and working in the Kansai region of Japan. This is an account of her life and adventures among the fine people of Nihon.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Grammy Nods

It's funny how much pop culture can revolve around the television shows you don't watch; it's just contemporary culture for people to talk about them. I often know names from American Idol, for example, and I think I've maybe tuned in once or twice.

I didn't watch much television in the US before coming to Japan, but I was none-the-less startled to really notice the fact that I don't have the opportunity to see the same shows (internet doesn't count) as I opened to my homepage this morning saw "GRAMMY NOMINATIONS" scribbled across the headlines. Seriously? Grammy time? Already? Anyways, it did kind of sneak up on me (sort of like Thanksgiving), but I was pleasantly surprised upon seeing the list and thought I'd add my two pieces...

First of all, Amy Winehouse. Gotta call this as my top pick. Her rich, sultry voice just does me good. So relaxing sometimes, and even though I am sort of (ok, really) sick of Rehab (not to mention all the Rehab re-mixes, Lil Mama and Jay-Z), but I could listen to the rest of her album over and over (and over again) without getting sick of it. And while I know Wino has some personal issues going on in her life, she and Kanye are up for artist of the year, but I actually think she might get it. Don't get me wrong, I like Kanye (ever since Kaia first added the Workout song to my running mix...), but not to the same degree and I don't know his new album well.

Was also glad to see Feist on the list for best new artist (hope this girl de-thrones Celine as the Canadian song princess someday...soon...) and color me intriguied about the new names that I haven't heard of but will soon be downloading from iTunes: Paramore, Taylor Swift (guy from Idol?), Herbie Hancock and Ledesi. I also have a bit of Foo Fighters stuff in my music files, but nothing new and was surprised to see that their new album was so well received. The nominations included "best song" and "album of the year." I will have to give that one a peek, too.

I am sure there is a lot of buzz about this stateside , but here's the Yahoo article that popped up if you want to take a gander. どぞ:


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