Brenda in Japan

Hailing from Minneapolis, Minnesota, Brenda McKinney is an American living and working in the Kansai region of Japan. This is an account of her life and adventures among the fine people of Nihon.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Nishi does the Dating Game

A friend that works at a local, advanced-level, public high school recently told me about an ongoing lesson he's been doing with some of his coworkers and just happened to mention that the lesson involves me.

It seems the lesson is actually an ongoing dating game where the students write profiles about each participant in the game (all unknowing aquaintances of the teacher - including yours truly) based on their pictures (pulled from Facebook!). Then, following the profiles, the students work on dialogues between each "character", work out dynamics and then I think there is some sort of dating game that everyone is involved with where the men choose the women.

When I heard about the game, I was first shocked that I was involved, then freaked a bit when I found out they had pulled pictures from Facebook. That being said, I just learned that the students deduced from my snowboarding pictures that I must be a 19 year old, college student from Finland who enjoys singles parties (and weighs 49 kg... to get into details).

Now more interested to see how the game portion of this project goes....

The results are in. Each team in the aforementioned class participated in a debate about who they thought should be paired with whom. And I ended up with.... "BRAIG" (alternately named Mr. Smith, the 32-year-old from Lima, Germany).

Shoot, I personally had hoped for the 37-year-old carsalesman/magician ("Peach Bean"), truly, but I guess you have to take what you can get... and it's fiction...whew.

(sorry, those of you in the area might get these references...)


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