Brenda in Japan

Hailing from Minneapolis, Minnesota, Brenda McKinney is an American living and working in the Kansai region of Japan. This is an account of her life and adventures among the fine people of Nihon.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Biting Your Tongue - On Banning Gossip

In the wake of my recent post on the office gossip and in light of a recent surge in internet bases for sharing potentially harmful and hurtful information about others (which I thought were already in abundance... thank goodness wasn't around when I was in undergrad!), I thought I'd share a sort of funny article that someone mentioned to me this weekend. Apparently, the CEO at this small Chicago-based business firm got so sick of the office gossip where he works that he hired a consulting firm to come up with the solution: ban it all together. That's right, "ZERO tolerance for tatting." Punishments and all for those that are caught. Nice.

It's really too bad my Japanese isn't good enough to translate this one for my office, but let's hope it doesn't get to this point!


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