Evening Blogging Delights
I discovered this random travel blog by a woman who quit her job and traveled the world with her husband in 2006. The FAQ section is interesting: http://sarahlane.typepad.com/sarahtravel
Here's another little recommendation for a blog by another girl living in Japan (or on her way out). I was blown-away by her writing style and experiences. This girl, Sarah Marchildon, and I arrived in Japan at the same time and both worked at public schools this past year, so I've been doing a lot of remiscing looking over her pages tonight. I got a chuckle out of reading about her similar experiences with the dreaded, unwelcomed roaches, and THANK HEAVENS that I have yet to encounter a "geji geji" (although I did Google image it to my better judgement and am now temped to geji geji-proof my apartment in case). I swear the blog is not really all about bugs, though. Check it out: http://sarahmarchildon.blogspot.com/
Anyways, I'm really supposed to be working on my dating article right now (instead I'm looking up blogs about bugs...great, this is probably how Carrie Bradshaw and I differ) and taking a bath before bed. So time to log out. I decided to write about shy boys in Japan for this month's edition, by the way, which led to me Ms. Sarah's webblog, above, actually... loved her entry, "So Many Men, So Few Balls"... but obviously got a little side-tracked.
Just some brain candy. Thought I'd share:)
Here's another little recommendation for a blog by another girl living in Japan (or on her way out). I was blown-away by her writing style and experiences. This girl, Sarah Marchildon, and I arrived in Japan at the same time and both worked at public schools this past year, so I've been doing a lot of remiscing looking over her pages tonight. I got a chuckle out of reading about her similar experiences with the dreaded, unwelcomed roaches, and THANK HEAVENS that I have yet to encounter a "geji geji" (although I did Google image it to my better judgement and am now temped to geji geji-proof my apartment in case). I swear the blog is not really all about bugs, though. Check it out: http://sarahmarchildon.blogspot.com/
Anyways, I'm really supposed to be working on my dating article right now (instead I'm looking up blogs about bugs...great, this is probably how Carrie Bradshaw and I differ) and taking a bath before bed. So time to log out. I decided to write about shy boys in Japan for this month's edition, by the way, which led to me Ms. Sarah's webblog, above, actually... loved her entry, "So Many Men, So Few Balls"... but obviously got a little side-tracked.
Just some brain candy. Thought I'd share:)
At 11:29 AM,
Gunnar said…
This is a real chat, I instantly knew he was talking about you ;) How about addressing him in a column? By the way, lying about your age is not cool :P
Crispy86: what do you guys think
Crispy86: of a 21 year old guy taking a 24 year old
Crispy86: well im in japan
Crispy86: and this woman is hoooottt, but im only 21
At 7:55 PM,
Brenda Ann Elizabeth McKinney said…
Wait, I am so confused. Where in the world is that chat from? Haha - what kind of Japanese chat sites are you going on, my friend? Uhh... and the column...yeah, I think I'll stick to the research articles for that one:-P
(just finished the last one, btw - I'd post it here, but it has references to people at school. yikes!)
At 11:35 PM,
Brenda Ann Elizabeth McKinney said…
ps - not sure if that comment about "knowing it was me" is flattery, sarcasm, a joke, or what. So I'm just gonna 'nikke og smile' og bare ga videre.... Takk for komentarene, da:)
At 9:16 AM,
Gunnar said…
It was a sincere expression of due respect and esteem. Seriøst.
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