Brenda in Japan

Hailing from Minneapolis, Minnesota, Brenda McKinney is an American living and working in the Kansai region of Japan. This is an account of her life and adventures among the fine people of Nihon.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Back from Tokyo and onto Lecture, Movie, Discussion

Let the Post-Lunch Discussions begin
Today was a long and busy day, but a fruitful one. I started my 'post-lunch discussions' with the juniors this week (2 nen sei), meeting with 3 students for about 20 minutes to just TALK. I made really formal invitations and invite three students the day-of, to meet in my classroom at the end of the lunch period. They have been really receptive to the idea and are so much more open when we chat. Having three students notably relieves some of the pressure of talking to me personally, but the intimate size really makes it a cozy little group, and the students really seem comfortable and willing to practice their English. I feel like I am getting to know them better (in person, not just on paper, through notebooks), so I am looking forward to the rest of the chats during the next two weeks.
International Understanding Club
On the topic of communication and adjusting... I realized today how comfortable I am getting in Japan (or how accustomed to the culture I have gotten, compared to when I arrived). I did a presentation on the differences between high school and the education system in Japan and the US for the International Understanding Club (50-minute Ppt). I originally created a series of lectures when I was quite new, last fall. I decided to use the original Ppt file and add a few things, but it was shocking to see how my impressions have changed. Things that struck me as really strange have normalized at this point, although I was definately still able to add content in areas I understand better now, especially learning styles and major cultural differences. It was fun to see what students found interesting and suprising, particularly the fact that we don't have "homeroom" in America (40-student classes that stay together for every subject).
Zodiac at MyCal Cinema
After work, I went to the movies with some friends who will be leaving Japan at the end of the summer. It's a little silly to go to a mid-week movie, but Wednesday is ladies night (half-price for women: $10 instead of $20...) so we saw Zodiac. I liked the movie, but was again surprised by the anti-pirating commercials before the movie (so dramatic and extreme) and was impressed that everyone in the theatre sat calmly through all the credits, rather than filtering out.


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